Category Archives for Environment

Climate Supportive Livelihoods and Social Inclusion: A Path to a Sustainable Future

Climate Supportive Livelihoods and Social Inclusion: A Path to a Sustainable Future

Climate change is a pressing global issue that threatens the livelihoods and well-being of millions of people around the world. The impacts of climate change are already being felt in the form of increased frequency…
Climate Change Disasters: Worsening Inequalities and Marginalizing Communities

Climate Change Disasters: Worsening Inequalities and Marginalizing Communities

In the face of a rapidly changing climate, marginalized communities are often the first and most severely impacted. These communities, often characterized by lower socioeconomic status, limited access to resources, and historical marginalization, are disproportionately…
Seed Ball Program. Save nature, Save future.

Seed Ball Program. Save nature, Save future.

For restoring nature we have implemented a creative idea of “seed ball program” which is a very cost effective & can be used anywhere.